If we are looking at the examples provided by Adobe:
this.createTextField("mytext", this.getNextHighestDepth(), 10, 10, 200, 100);
mytext.multiline = true;
mytext.wordWrap = true;
mytext.border = true;
var format1:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
format1.letterSpacing = -1;
var format2:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
format2.letterSpacing = 10;
mytext.text = "Eat at \nJOE'S.";
mytext.setTextFormat(0, 7, format1);
mytext.setTextFormat(8, 12, format2);
The problem is, this doesn't work for a dynamic text field, only for dynamic generated text field!
There are a lot of solutions on the internet.
Solution 1:
var styling:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
styling.font = "Blackadder";
styling.color = 0xBA1424;
styling.letterSpacing = 15;
This one doesn't use the method setTextFormat() to set the letterSpacing, instead of that, setNewTextFormat() will be used.
Solution 2:
From the blog "Summit Projects":
function setTextFormatting(){
var fmt:TextFormat = club_name.name.getTextFormat();
club_name.name.autoSize = “left”;
He said, "It’s silly, but it works.". Unfortunately, it didn't work in my case.
Solution 3:
Bob Walton suggests that in his blog "Flash: yourMom.getTextFormat(); //is the key to letterSpacing"
var fmt:TextFormat = myTextField.getTextFormat();
This also didn't work for me.
I spent hours to figure out how can I fix it. Now here is the solution from mine.
txtCtrl.html = true;
txtCtrl.htmlText = "<font letterspacing='-3'>Now it is the right one!</font>";
So you can see, I got no sucess on setting the format of a dynamic text field. At the end, a font property can achieve that so easily!