
Fix the cydia crash problem after jailbreak iOS 5 with redsn0w 0.9.9b9

It is really weird. After using redsn0w 0.9.9b9 to jailbreak my iPhone 3GS with iOS 5.0.1, the iphone can be booted with the option "just boot" in redsn0w. The Cydia icon showes up on the screen. Open it and say I am a "User". The loading process can be seen, and... quit. I can ssh into the iOS, that is to say, the iphone is already jailbroken. But what happened with Cydia?!

I've tried many different methods.

1. restore the stock firmware and do the jailbreak again. -> No success.
2. reinstall Cydia with SSH on the iPhone. -> No success.
3. just boot the iphone tetherly again and again -> No success.

So I tried to read the log file of Cydia. The log file can be found at /private/var/tmp/cydia.log. I noticed that an error is repeated again and again.

2011-12-22 14:43:20.135 MobileCydia[252:e07] Setting Language: de_DE
Assertion failed: (dictionary->lockFD != -1), function IDXUserDictionaryOpen, file /SourceCache/Mecabra/Mecabra-248/mecabra/IDXUserDictionary.c, line 88.

I've googled for a while and nothing is found...but it must be something wrong with the laguage settings. I've discoved I use English as user interface language and German as date/time format. Mumm, maybe that is the problem. I've set the both as English. Now, Cydia runs smoothly without any problems.

In a short, that is a bug of Cydia, it depends on the language settings of iOS! Try to set up the language unified, then it doesn't complain again.